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  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: August 23, 2018

Immigration Lawyer Magdalena Cuprys of the law firm Cuprys and Associates announced today that the Board of Immigration Appeals ruled in her client’s favor regarding a removal (deportation) proceeding. On appeal, citing Matter of Serna, the Board finds that mere possession of an altered immigration document, without intent to use it unlawfully, is not a “crime of moral turpitude.” The Board therefore reversed the Immigration Judge’s determination that the person should be sent back to Mexico on those grounds. Ms. Cuprys had sought a so-called “cancellation of removal” for her client L.R. (originally from Mexico) under Section 240A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which is a relief that allows a person who does not have legal status to remain here if he or she has been here for 10 years, has not committed serious crimes, and if removing him or her from the country would be a hardship for U.S. citizens or permanent residents such as children or other close relatives. In the initial…Read More

  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: August 23, 2018

The law firm of Cuprys and Associates announced today that immigration Lawyer Magdalena Cuprys won a “withholding of removal” (client will not be deported) in Immigration Court after a convoluted legal struggle. Mr. C.M. is a 25-year-old Colombian citizen who entered the U.S. as a stowaway, and later filed an application for Asylum. All of C.M.’s applications for relief were denied by an immigration judge in August 2016. C.M. appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), which remanded the case to the Immigration Court to clarify and reconsider its prior findings. The Immigration Court found that C.M. had a credible fear of persecution if he were returned (deported) to Colombia. At the new hearing in Immigration Court, C.M. testified that three of his brothers were killed by a guerilla group, as well as two of his cousins. He himself was abducted and threatened. Based on that testimony, the Immigration Judge denied C.M.’s asylum request, but granted withholding of deportation. As the Court noted, for…Read More

  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: June 19, 2018

Immigration client had committed minor offenses in the past; Immigration attorney successfully argued that such minor offenses do not disqualify client from asylum in the U.S. Immigration Lawyer Magdalena Cuprys of the law firm Cuprys and Associates announced today that the Board of Immigration Appeals ruled in her client’s favor in a disputed asylum case. Ms. Cuprys is a recognized immigration attorney based in Florida but represents clients not only in the United States but from outside of the U.S. as well. She filed an asylum case on behalf of her client H.C., a young man originally from Honduras. H.C. had been in the U.S. since the age of eight and feared persecution if he were to return to Honduras. Ms. Cuprys therefore presented his asylum request before an Immigration Judge. The Immigration Judge agreed with Ms. Cuprys and her client H.C., and granted asylum in the Fall of 2017. However, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appealed the Immigration Judge’s decision. In particular, the…Read More

A gold scale of justice - Serving Immigrants
  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: May 8, 2016

U.S. to deport former Nazi concentration camp guard. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has affirmed an order directing the deportation to Croatia of Anton Tittjung, a retired stone worker living in Kewaunee, Wisconsin. The Office of Special Investigations (OSI) of the Department of Justice uncovered evidence in captured Nazi documents of Tittjung’s showing membership in the Nazi SS and his service as a concentration camp guard. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) ordered Tittjung’s deportation pursuant to the Holtzman Amendment [8 U.S.C. Section 1227(a)(4)(D)]. This provision demands the deportation of aliens who aided or otherwise took part in the Nazi persecution of persons because of race, religion, national origin, or political opinion. — According to the Department of Justice, OSI investigations of persons involved in Nazi atrocities have resulted in 63 persons losing their U.S. citizenship and in the removal of 49 from the U.S. Citation: Tittjung v. Reno, No. 98-3407 (7th Cir., December 2, 1999); U.S. Department of Justice press release…Read More

A men in suit writing on a book - Serving Immigrants
  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: May 8, 2016

The following case addresses the problem of criminal aliens (including “permanent residents” of the U.S.) who have been detained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) but cannot be repatriated, thus resulting in their perpetual detention. Petitioner Kim Ho Ma came from his native Cambodia to the U.S. as a refugee at the age of two. He became a permanent resident (that is, he received a “green card”) at age six. Unfortunately, he had bad company, got involved in a gang shooting, and was convicted of manslaughter at age 17. After completing his prison sentence, the INS ordered him removed (previously called “deported”) from the U.S. and took him into custody. Cambodia does not have a repatriation agreement with the U.S. and refused to take him back. Ma filed a petition for habeas corpus. More than 100 similarly situated petitioners filed in the same court. Similar cases have arisen in Nevada and other California districts. The district court held that Ma’s continued detention violates his…Read More

  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: May 8, 2016

Defendants Wayne Pierre, Ricardo De Four, Zion Clarke, Kevon Demerieux, Kevin Nixon, Christopher Sealey, and Anderson Straker, nationals of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, throughout the years abducted wealthy individuals, held them captive, and extorted ransoms from their family and friends. On April 6, 2005, they abducted a Trinidad-native and a United States citizen, Balram Maharaj, who visited his children in Trinidad. The defendants delivered Maharaj to an isolated camp deep within the forest where they tied him to a post and gave him little food and water. Maharaj suffered from severe diabetes, hypertension and tuberculosis. The defendants ignored his pleas for medication and used his worsening health as leverage to demand three million Trinidadian dollars from his family. After six days in captivity, missing the medication, Maharaj slipped into a diabetic coma and died. Defendants dismembered his body, packed the remains in Styrofoam containers and buried them in the woods. In late 2005, assisted by FBI, the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service uncovered…Read More

  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: January 6, 2013

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  • By: Serving Immigrants
  • Published: January 5, 2013

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