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Business Immigration

Business Immigration Options For Individuals With Job Offers Or Specialized Skills

Business immigration is an example of how the immigration process can benefit both the United States as a whole and those who come here for new opportunities.

Through business immigration programs, U.S.-based and international companies with U.S. branches can hire international applicants for jobs that cannot be filled by U.S. nationals.

This type of immigration typically requires a specific skill set and job opportunity. We’ll look over your job offer and help you get the correct paperwork filed, or if you are a company that wants to hire internationally, we will help you begin the process on behalf of your employee.

Are You Seeking An Employment Visa Or Specialized Employee?

There are hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United States that require specific skills and talents. In many cases, however, there are not enough residents in a given area that have those skills. When this is the case, employers bring in individuals from around the world to fill these jobs.

In order to come to the US or emigrate to another country for this type of work, you’ll need to obtain the proper employment visa to do the job. In the US, there are a few different types based on what type of work is being done and other factors.

We can work with either or both the immigrant who will be working and the employer looking to bring in one or more employees to help ensure everything goes smoothly.

What Types Of Business Or Corporate Immigration Visas Are Available In the US?

There are quite a few different kinds of employment visas available for business and corporate immigration. Our immigration attorneys will help you identify which one fits your skills or your company’s needs.

Among the many types of Visas available to foreign workers who wish to emigrate to the US or businesses trying to bring in new corporate employees, our lawyers are equipped to help you obtain:

  • O-1 Visas, intended for individuals with extraordinary achievements in the fields of science, education, business, or athletics, or in the arts, movie, or television industry. They are for three years maximum but are renewable indefinitely in one-year increments.
  • EB-1 Visa, similar to O-1 visas, but available for managers and executives as well, these visas are intended for those wishing to also permanently immigrate to the US and can lead to permanent non-immigrant status.
  • L-1 Visas, for employers looking to bring managers or specialized employees from other branches outside the US to work within the US. Those opening a new branch can stay for one year, while those arriving at an established one can stay for three, with the option to extend the stay for up to seven years.
  • H-1B Visas, the classic work visas for specialized employees from outside the US coming to fill a job that requires at least a bachelor’s degree or higher levels of education. It is valid for up to three years and can be extended to a total of six.
  • H-2B Visas, allow non-agricultural employers to fill temporary needs and vacancies that they have been unable to fill with local US employees. The time limit will vary on the job, but the maximum allowed is three years, after which an employee must spend at least three months outside the US.

These are just some of the visas available, with even more specialized options applicable for niche cases and specific circumstances. Even if you do not feel you fit into one of the above situations, our business immigration attorney will be able to figure out what visa you need and help you or your employer obtain it.

What Services Do Business Immigration Lawyers Provide?

Successful immigration to the US requires a lot more than just knowing what visa you need. There are often multiple stages involving both the employee and employer, with forms to fill out and rules to respect at each step along the way.

A minor mistake, especially early on, can derail the process entirely or delay it and cost you and your company precious time and money.

By working with an experienced corporate immigration attorney, you dramatically improve your chances of a successful and speedy process. We do so by going over every document before you file, ensuring you have optimized your answers and requests, and forgotten no detail, however seemingly insignificant, that might undermine your application.

In addition, we help companies with their I-9 compliance and employee verification. This can be tricky when dealing with employees from outside the country, and mistakes come with considerable fines and penalties.

Why take the risk of a slower, less effective, and ultimately more expensive process when you can get an experienced business immigration law firm on the job? Call today at (305) 924 1133 or contact us online to book your appointment to begin the immigration process for yourself, your business, a current corporate employee, or any future worker you would like to hire.

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