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  • By: Magdalena Cuprys, Esq.
  • Published: May 21, 2024
Florida Approves Restrictive Driving License Law Mainly Impacting Immigrants

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a new law that toughens penalties for driving without a valid license in the state, primarily affecting immigrants. The law, which comes into effect on July 1st, increases the maximum penalty for this offense from 60 days to one year in jail in cases of recidivism, with a minimum penalty of 10 days for those caught driving without a license for the second or third time. This legislation, known as HB1589, does not allow undocumented immigrants to obtain a legal license in Florida and is part of a more restrictive stance on immigration, according to the policies of Governor DeSantis. Additionally, the law also impacts licenses issued by other states that are specific to unauthorized immigrants and are not recognized as valid in Florida.

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Attorney Magdalena Cuprys is a seasoned immigration lawyer based in Orlando and Coral Gables, Florida. With three languages under her belt and years of legal experience working with immigrants of all kinds, she brings considerable experience and insight to the field and works hard to explain immigration concepts, empower future citizens, and keep current and prospective immigrants up to date on US immigration law.

Connect with her firm, Serving Immigrants, to stay updated on the latest developments in United States immigration law and gain valuable insights needed to navigate the challenging legal landscape of immigration in Florida. 

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